Sunday, January 26, 2020

Aristotle And Concept Of Happiness Philosophy Essay

Aristotle And Concept Of Happiness Philosophy Essay In this paper, I wish to explore the concept of happiness as well as Aristotles take on it. I think for most of us, we rarely stop and think about what happiness is even though we cannot deny its inevitable existence. It is one of my major points that everyone has a different definition of what happiness is or what happiness means to them, and that definition changes along with time, when ones personal believes or opinions or convictions change as he progresses through life, they change because of a myriad of reasons, no social scientists can pin down exactly what they are but those changes are nevertheless very real and a direct correspondence of the direct interaction between the person and his or her environment. Aristotle proposes that the single idea of good must establish these three claims: Idea of Good Claim 1) We have ends which we choose for themselves. Idea of Good Claim 2) That there is only one such end. Idea of Good Claim 3) That end is happiness. He argues for Idea of Good Claim 1) as follows (Irwin 173): 1.1. If we choose everything because of something else, desire will be empty and futile. 1.2. We have a gut feeling that some desires are not empty and futile. 1.3. Therefore, we do not choose everything because of something else. 1.4. Therefore we choose something for its own sake. 1.5. What we choose for its own sake, therefore, must be the best good. The debatable premise is 2. As this is not conflicting with my own gut feelings, we will allow Aristotle postulate this claim. Postulate 1: We have a gut feeling that some desires are not empty and futile. Granting him this postulate, we allow his conclusion 5. that there are some things we choose for their own sake. This satisfies Idea of Good Claim 1). Aristotles criteria for the Idea of Good are self-sufficiency and completeness. Regarding these criteria he says, not all ends are complete. But the best good is apparently something complete. And so, if only one end is complete, the good we are looking for will be this end; if more ends than one are complete, it will be the most complete of these ends. (Irwin 7) Aristotle has not given good reason why there must be only one end from which all actions are a means, rather than several such ends. At this point I will not contend with Aristotle if he can posit this singularity and avoid contradiction further into his theory. Postulate 2: There is only one Idea of Good. Aristotle explores and finds happiness to be the best fit for these criteria of the Idea of Good. We must pause for a moment to clarify the translation of eudaimonia, translated to happiness in the text. In Greek, eudaimonia translates to living well or doing well, Happiness is the complete end [ones] complete happiness depends on himself, and not on external conditions. (Irwin 333) Regarding happiness as the single Idea of Good Aristotle says, Now happiness, more than anything else, seems complete without qualification. For we always choose it because of itself, never because of something else. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The same conclusion also appears to follow from self-sufficiency. For the complete good seems to be self-sufficientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We hold an end to be self sufficient when all by itself it makes a life choiceworthy and lacking nothing; and that is what we think happiness does. (Irwin 8) Aristotle makes a good argument here for why happiness is the Idea of Good because he appea ls to ones intuition. My own intuition does not conflict with Aristotles proposition that eudaimonia is the most complete and self-sufficient end, to which other human objectives are means to. Aristotle has satisfied Idea of Good in Claim 3) if we allow him to postulate the first two claims. Aristotle has solidified his claim that eudaimonia is the Idea of the Good by satisfying the three claims. With this information, we progress to investigate which of the three types of lives reaches eudaimonia the best. Aristotle claims that the life of activity and reason achieves this goal best, and denies two alternatives: the life of gratification and the life of ambition. Aristotle argues that happiness is not a state or possession, but rather an activity that we engage in. Aristotle proposes that someone who is asleep for their entire life could not be eudaimonia. This is consistent with the definition given earlier of eudaimonia. Just as the function of a harpist is to play the harp, and the function of the physician is to care for the body, the function of the human being according to Aristotle is to remain active and employ reason in ones life. Aristotle contemplates the human function saying, we take the human function to be a certain kind of life, and take this life to be activity and actions of the soul that involve reason. (Irwin 9) He denies that the human function is bodily pleasure because those qualities are shared with animals. Aristotle claims our purpose must be a life of active contemplation, saying, The remaining possibility, then, is some sort of life of action of the part of the soul that has reasonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ we take the human function to be a certain kind of life, and take this life to be activity and actions of the soul that involve reason. (Irwin 9) Aristotles argument for activity holds for our own time, people who remain active appear to be happier than those who can no longer be, such as the elderly. However, activity involving reason may be too narrow of a definition. One viable alternative is productivity in whatever respect one is capable of. Aristotle is confining his alternatives of what constitutes a good life to his own talents, rather than allowing people with other dispositions to also live eudaimonia. The life of gratification focuses on sensory pleasures as the means to happiness. Aristotle denies that pleasure is necessarily a good, and pain is necessarily an evil. He separates goods into two types, conditional and unconditional. He argues that pleasure is conditionally good for us because we have the pain corresponding to it. For example, hunger is a pain that is satisfied by eating food. Aristotle argues that bodily pleasures are only good under the condition that the corresponding pain is present. Any further pursuit of bodily pleasures to Aristotle is a pursuit of the excess and such pleasure is no longer a good. Reciprocally, the existence of pain in small amounts can be enjoyable as well as it gives us an occasion to satisfy it. Thus, those who live for bodily pleasure, the life of gratification, are not pursuing the most complete good but rather pursue an excess of bodily sensation. Aristotle admits that we all enjoy and are just in enjoying a degree of sensory gratificat ion, but he renders base those who overindulge. The ambitious life is one focused on attaining honor and acknowledgement from others. Aristotle denies this as a viable means to attain eudaimonia because it focuses on the opinions of others. Eudaimonia is a state which should not be so fickle and easily lost as public opinion, and thus Aristotle discards this option, saying, This, however, appears too superficial to be [eudaimonia]; for it seems to depend more on those who honor than on the one honored, whereas we intuitively believe that the good is something of our own and hard to take from us. Further, it would seem, they pursue honor to convince themselves they are good. (Irwin 4) This is a convincing denial of pursuing a life of ambition. I accept an assumption Aristotle makes that living well is not constituted by the opinions of others, but rather by the virtue of oneself. So far we have accepted Aristotles premise that activity is needed to reach eudaimonia, but we have questioned the necessity for study. We have accepted Aristotles denial of the two alternative lives, as they focus on either overindulgence or public opinion. Due to space constraints we will not discuss the possibility of other lives, though there are plenty worthy of mention. One means that Aristotle proposes to remain active is having loving friendships. Aristotle offers loving friendships with good people as the most complete friendship, saying, complete friendship is the friendship of good people similar in virtue; for they wish goods in the same way to each other insofar as they are good, and they are good in their own rightThese kinds of friendships are likely to be rare, since such people are few. (Irwin 122-123) Complete friendships cannot be based on utility or erotic pleasure, but rather love. Aristotle says, Those who are friends for utility dissolve the friendship as soon as the advantage is removed; for they were never friends of each other, but of what was expedient for them. (Irwin 123) Aristotle proposes that a life of friendship facilitates activity, because we are social creatures by nature. A life involving study and contemplation, for example, serves as a medium to foster a respect and exchange of ideas, which is inherent in a loving friendship. In addition, we can expand Aristotles conclusions to apply to other means of remaining active, such as a life of military service, the life of a physician, or the life of an artist. In addition, friends help regulate our behavior in making virtuous decisions, as virtue is also a vital component of reaching eudaimonia. Aristotle says, no one would choose to live without friends even if he had all other goods. Indeed rich people and holders of powerful positions need friends, how else would one benefit from such prosperity if one had no opportunity for beneficenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ But in poverty also and in other misfortunes, people think friends are the only refugeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The young need friends to keep them from error. The old need friends to care for them and support the actions that fail because of weakness. (Irwin 119) Aristotle is correct in finding that activity is a vital element in achieving eudaimonia, and that friendship plays an important role in helping us remain active and virtuous. We can apply a broader application of this search for happiness by allowing lives other than that of study and contemplation to be pursued, as long as virtue and loving friendships are present. To arrive at this conclusion we postulated two of Aristotles premises (see Postulate 1 and Postulate 2); allowing these lead us to a worthwhile map of how one may reach eudaimonia, the Idea of Good which follows from the postulates. Overlaying a life of productivity for Aristotles requirement of study, we have achieved a valid argument, assuming the postulates, for a means of human flourishing. One should live ones life with virtue, activity, and productivity.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Cutco Case Write-up Essay

What is direct selling?Direct selling is the face-to-face selling away from a business location. It is technically a form of non-store retailing. The manufacturer sells directly to the consumer or business customer as does Dell, Inc.Direct sellers are not employees of the company. They are independent contractors who market and sellthe products or services of a company in return for a commission on those sales.Direct selling is a push-marketing strategy where there are no physical stores. Orders are usually placedin person or via the consultant’s Web page. Sometimes the phone is used to place orders or reorders, but only about 12% of sales take place this way. Home shopping parties are the most widely recognizedsales method, where friends, family or acquaintances get together for a few hours to learn about orsample a range of products or services. However, the majority (about 70%) of the direct selling industry’s sales actually occur using a one  -to-one approach wher e one seller may present the productsor services to a single consumer. According to the direct selling association (DSA), some recent statistics are as follows- 85% of the sellersreport a good, very good or excellent experience with direct selling. 74% of U.S. adults have purchasedproducts from a direct seller. 70% of direct selling takes place in a residence, and almost two-thirdstakes place on a one-to-one basis.The popular form of direct selling is multilevel marketing. Multi-level marketing, which is commonlyreferred to as MLM, is one type of distribution method found in direct selling. You may also hear of theterm multilevel used to refer to a type of compensation plan that pays its representatives based on the individual’s product sales as well as that of their â€Å"downline,† which refers to a group of people thatconsultants bring into a company to generate sales.2. How would one respectively characterize Cutco Corp. and Vector Marketing Corp?Cutco Corporation, formerly Alcas Corporation, is the parent company of Cutco Cutlery Corp., multi-levelmarketing company Vector Marketing, KA-BAR Knives Inc. and Schilling Forge. Its primary brand is alsothe name Cutco. The company was founded in 1949 by Alcoa and Case Cutlery (hence â€Å"Al-cas†) tomanufacture knives. The management purchased the company from Alcoa in 1982, and the companyacquired Vector Marketing Corporation in 1985. In early 2009 Alcas changed its name to Cutco, thename of the primary product. See Figure 1 Figure More than 100 kitchen cutlery products are sold under the Cutco name, as well as a variety of kitchengadgets, utensils and flatware. The company also carries a line of cookware, sporting and pocket knivesand garden tools. As of 2012, Cutco was purchased by more than 15 million satisfied customers. Over700 manufacturing and administrative people are employed at the Cutco/Vector headquarters in Olean,N.Y. Cutco products are marketed directly, by appointment only, to consumers in the convenience of their homes, at fairs and shows, and sold in specialty Cutco retail stores located in:St. Louis, MO, Indianapolis, IN, Lansing, MI, Erie, PA.Vector Marketing  CorporationVector Marketing is both a multi-level and direct sales company that sells Cutco. Earlier on there werehundreds of small independent sellers of Cutco. In 1981, Vector was created as an independent seller.From 1981 to 1984 Vector sold way more than all the other independent sellers. In 1985, CutcoCorporation (back then it wa s called Alcas Corporation) bought the company from its owners toreplicate Vector’s success across the nation. Vector is now the exclusive seller of Cutco Cutlery. Vector’s home office is in Olean, New York, and has over 250 year-round, independently run locations throughout the United States, Canada, and PuertoRico. Vector has over 300 more temporary locations that open each year for the peak summer season.The sales efforts are organized by geographic location. Currently six regions exist and are combined intotwo companies-Vector East and Vector West.The sales representatives are primarily students who sell Cutco products during their summer vacations.Sales are made through in-house presentations in which representatives display the superiority of Cutcocutlery by cutting unconventional materials such as rope and leather. The operating margin of VectorMarketing is approximately 7 percent. Vector also runs a catalog to maintain a continuing relationshipwith customers after the summer peak season. Sales representatives continue to receive commissionson catalog sales as long they maintain a modest sales level. Vector also runs a we bsite to recruitstudents and service current customers and provide product information. 3.  How is Cutco Cutlery marketed?Cutco cutlery was designed to be the finest cutlery in the world. Cutco cutlery has always beenhistorically marketed through direct selling primarily via Vector Marketing Corporation. The peopleactually selling Cutco cutlery are independent contractors who effectively operate their own business.Sales RepresentativesThe sales representatives (mainly students) are paid a commission on the products they sell but do notreceive a salary from the company. These sales are made through in-home presentations in which salesrepresentatives validate and prove the superiority of Cutco cutlery through demonstrations. The onlydownfall to this method is that many of these college students join as a  Cutco representative to makemoney for the summers and the customers they create often lose contact with Cutco products and thecompany afterwards. Catalog SalesCutco created a small catalog mailing in 1985 that is now sent to 4 million customers around four timesthroughout the year. In 2011, this catalog generated 120,000 orders and approximately $18 million insales. This is important to continue because, as stated before, sales representatives often lose contactwith customers after the summer and this is a great way to retain customers and continue acquiringnew customer in the September through December months.Internet ActivitiesInitially a customer-oriented website focusing on customer service and product information only,customers soon started wanting to order directly off the website. This demand for e-commerce resultedin a closed customer site in 2000, in which only existing customer were allowed to view prices and placeorders. As of 2011, approximately 56,000 purchases were made online generating revenues of $8.7million and operating margins of 9 percent.Other Marketing initiativesThese included booths at county fairs and shows. In 2011, nearly 1,800 fairs and shows were bookedand revenue exceeded $9 million. Another initiative existed where realtors purchased Cutco products asgifts for potential customers/clients generating $4 million in revenue. Cutco also used other avenuessuch as Cutco retail locations to reach customers and social media to reach future representatives andcurrent customers to keep them abreast developments in product line changes and updates viamediums such as Facebook and Twitter. 4.  What factors should be considered when evaluating the possible growth drivers?Several factors should be considered when evaluating potential growth drivers: The current economic situation is an important factor in determining how inclined consumersare willing to spend their income on cutlery. Sustainability of brand recognition and brand presence. This needs to be considered becausewith virtually no mass-market marketing, word-of-mouth becomes very important to spread theword about the brand and its offerings. Creating more consumer exposure to the brand wouldbe needed to be evaluated to gain customers in the direct selling environment Availability of recruits is another factor that can influence potential growth drivers- as thenumber of recruits increases; the potential number of impressions can be increased. Investing in diverse recruiting procedures and multi-channel approaches to acquiring potentialrecruits instead of web-only efforts could be considered. Potential entry into international markets via joint ventures could be considered. This wouldobviously dependent upon the state of the global economy . The cost to expand supplementary channels (internet and catalog) and the potential impact ondirect sales. Effect of aggressive marketing on field sales and potential conflict arising from sales throughretail stores. What growth driver(s) should serve as a strategic focus? Why?Growth drivers for strategic focus should be as follows: Increasing the number of recruits will directly drive Vector’s revenue growth. Additional growthcan be achieved through investment and energy to improving recruiting approaches andstrategies. To generate more consumer product sales in the future, Cutco must invest in brand recognitionefforts. Consumers are more likely to buy a brand that they are familiar with and recognize. Ascompetition increases in the future, this will be one of the determining factors in increasingsales in a fragmented environment. Dependence solely on the domestic economy could spell disaster for sales. Therefore,expanding to international markets could be key for the brand in order to gain an edge on thecompetition. Traditionally direct sales representatives could sell to homes easily since one key decision makerin the family was always at home. Today with dual-earning households, supplementary channelssuch as the internet and catalogs are necessary to reach households. One of the riskiest strategic options is a retail channel. However, in today’s micro -segment retailenvironment consumers need choices and strategically this could easily complement the directsales efforts of Vector to reach more consumers and increase revenue. Co-branding withcelebrity chefs is one example of taking advantage of a pull-marketing retail environment.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Get the Scoop on Current Essay Topics Pdf Before Youre Too Late

Get the Scoop on Current Essay Topics Pdf Before You're Too Late The Benefits of Current Essay Topics Pdf You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make certain to do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. Furthermore, you can capture reader attention with the assistance of funny essay topics. If you decide on one of these topics, you will undoubtedly succeed to draw the interest of your audience only because they involve the latest discussion topics. Normally, relevant topics are those that have made headlines the past calendar year. If you wish to compose a controversial essay, you definitely should look for the most effective social issues topics or satire topics. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! You will likely find a different and excellent topic you will love to write about. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. We've tried to opt for the most well-known topics that are commonly discussed in scientific circles or the ones that are interesting for common folks. However exhaustive this list could possibly be, but UPSC has a tact of asking the very same topic in a manner that nobody could imagine. It can confuse him and become another headache to cope with. Make sure you write atleast one essay or one letter daily to raise your speed. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to earn the reader want to go over the interesting persuasive essay topics of your pick. Well, the solution isn't too obvious here. P.S. Keep in mind you'll be able to contact online academic writers to aid in topic selection along with writing the entire paper from A to Z. The SSC MTS Descriptive Paper will be run soon. Students often discover that almost all of their work on those essays is done before they even begin writing. Firstly, you have to be aware of the appropriate format of essay writing. If Development isn't engendered, it's endangered 10. After you're prepared to think of a thesis, have a look at these Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples. Get prepared to answer all these aspects if in the event you get this subject in the XAT Essay. Key Pieces of Current Essay Topics Pdf The primary aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to show the idea can be put into place in practice. Bear in mind that there are going to be very, hardly any sources (such as the ones I used above) that are completely objective. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you have to clearly show your analytical skills. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's vital to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the specific area of study. However, according to numerous scholars and activists there's still a very long way to go. Naturally, there's no way to spell out an event in a totally objective way. Attempt to consider what age is fantastic for students to date with one another. One of the greatest strategies to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. Choice of topic ought to be clearly based on your holistic grasp of the subject issue. Pros and disadvantages of a cashless economy. Gender equality is a rather common theme today. All you will need is to get in touch with us! Writing about nuclear weapons is always a great idea. Simply take a peek at all the topics are categorized in 5 sections so you can cover them conveniently. If you're searching for articles with more background on the topic, take a look at these 2 resources that provide a summary of gun control and a selection of discussions about the subject. So ensure you decide on a subject, which has values in it. It is crucial t o select a great topic to be able to compose a good paper. When you're prepared to begin writing, take a look at these sample essays on gun control for a number of suggestions on how to place your paper together. Moreover, the memory of test-takers might not be reliable. In summary, one is equipped to look for information, or can depend on the new media (internet media). It's the brilliant instance of persuasive writing!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay on The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement - 883 Words

The way Americans lived 80 years ago has a significant impact on our society today. Major work from small-town residents during the 1930s, make it possible for Americans to live as comfortably as they do currently. Civil rights were improved and the fields of technology, science, and medicine soared. Ambitious geniuses were improving such topics, but little did they realize that they were actually shaping future American culture.The important achievements and discoveries made during the 1930s made life easier for Americans today. Although the civil rights movement was at its peak during the 1960s, the civil accomplishments made during the 1930s were just as important. The NAACP had the most influence on the movement at the time. Being†¦show more content†¦On account of the actions taken during the 1930s, life for every American nowadays, has been free of prejudice and intolerance. Without the NAACP’s achievements for civil rights, life for United States citizens would still be filled with terror and unfair favoritism. Technology advancements during the 1930s include the development of various vehicles and synthetic materials. Glass fibers were produced into tiny strands, twisted in a bobbin, then turned into yarn. The end product is then mixed with plastics and called fiberglass. From the beginning until now of this practical invention, America has been using fiberglass to insulate their homes, manufacture automobiles, and constructed into fishing rods (American Cultural). Ever since the development of fiberglass, small town life in the U.S. has become less complicated. Without this simple invention, homes all over the United States would be still be unheated, and vehicles would be much less secure. On a larger note, in 1939, the Chance Vought and Sikorsky Divisions of the United Technology Corporation were united to produce America’s first successful helicopter, the VS-300 (Leishman 7). The new way of transportation was an immediate breakthrough for all of technology all over the world. A lthough the VS-300 was not able to stay off the ground for long periods of time, it sparked excitement in the hearts of small town people. With helicopters, goods were easilyShow MoreRelatedImpact Of The Civil Rights Movement1383 Words   |  6 Pagesworld (Gandhi). Throughout the American history, the greatest number of people through an awkward to live peacefully. The Civil Right Movement in the United states has been a long, primarily nonviolent attempt to bring full civil rights and justice under the law to all Americans. The movement has sustained a lasting impact on the United States society. 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Free black men did not have the right to voteRead MoreImpact Of Nonviolence On The Civil Rights Movement912 Words   |  4 PagesNonviolence and It’s Impact on the Civil Rights Movement The success of the fight for racial equality, also known as the Civil Rights Movement, in the United States was characterized by major campaigns of civil resistance. Between the 1950s and the 1960s, civil rights activists practiced non violence in hopes to end racial segregation and discrimination across the country and worldwide. Leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Jim Lawson, and John Lewis believed strongly in this philosophy of nonviolenceRead MorePositive Impact Of The Civil Rights Movement1257 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement is the movement for equal rights for African-Americans. Throughout the years, people have used their first amendment right the speak freely and to protest. This has lead to change in America. That’s what citizenship is about, when you feel like something should be changed you can do something about. We’ve seen it happen in the past, when people want change, they will either express their opinion by voting for it on the ball ot or do something larger than that like protestingRead MoreWhat Was The Impact Of The Civil Rights Movement1325 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement was issued to end racial segregation against African Americans and to provide the equal citizenship rights mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. It occurred between 1954 and 1968, especially in the South and was a struggle by African Americans to achieve civil rights equal to whites including equal availability in employment, housing, education, freedom to vote, equal access to public facilities, and free of racial discrimination. Before Civil Rights Movement Act, AfricanRead MoreRosa Parkss Impact On The Civil Rights Movement1248 Words   |  5 Pagesand tensions started to climax during the era of the Civil Rights Movement, this discourse soon meet its challengers. In Montgomery, Alabama, arguably one of the most racist and defiant cities towards the movement of integration, people began to challenge the notion of racial se gregation through a movement known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This movement, which lasted from December of 1955 to December of 1956, helped push the civil rights movement forward and challenge the dominant discourse of whiteRead MoreHistorical Impacts Of The Civil Rights Movement Of The 1960s880 Words   |  4 Pages The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s has one of the most historical impacts of any nation to date. The movements from Martin Luther King, Jr. to the Black Panther Party started with boycotts, sit-ins and non-violent protests in the 1950s, but these were the motions and historical points that started the revolution. In what many others perceived as civil disobedience, the movements were designed to instill the notion, that no man or woman shall be deprived of their freedom of life, liberty andRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement And Its Impact On Gender Discrimination Essay1068 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent if I interviewed a different person. People who are knowl edgeable and open minded would have different way of thinking than those who have limited vision of life. One of things that I have been trying to get answers of, is the Civil Rights Movement and its impact on gender discrimination. Based on my very limited experience and as I know from Gerontology class, my interviewee seems to have a successful aging. Successful aging means more than aging without disease. Rowe and Kahn (1998, p. 38)